PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, usually referred to as PHP, is a popular object-oriented programming language, which can be used to set up dynamic websites with interactive features like forums, school websites or community websites. In comparison with static HTML websites, a PHP-powered site can show unique content to each visitor under the same page URL. Considering the fact that PHP-based web-based applications can be managed through a single Control Panel, which you can sign into using any Internet browser, you won’t need to possess any web development capabilities or previous experience whatsoever in order to administer a PHP-driven website. The fact that 100s of millions of websites all over the world are created with PHP is an indication of the popularity and the simplicity of use of the language. You only have to check if the server where you host your site supports the exact same version of PHP as the one that you used while setting up the site.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting

In case you order a shared hosting plan from our company, you will never need to question yourself about whether your sites are compatible with the hosting platform, as we support several PHP versions for the sake of your convenience. The Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to pick PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with only one single mouse click and in case you’d like to change the current version, the update will be applied instantly. Thus, several years of work on sites created with an older version won’t be lost. Our hosting platform will even permit you to use a different version of PHP for each domain hosted in your account, which means that you can run older and newer scripts simultaneously. Most web hosting providers on the marketplace offer one, sometimes two versions of PHP. In stark contrast to them, we strongly hold that you should be the one to select the version that your own websites will use.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you’ve got a site built on an earlier PHP version and you have devoted time and efforts towards developing it, plugging security loopholes and posting web page content, you’ll need to find a hosting service that can support it, as the majority of hosting vendors today offer support only for the most recently released version of PHP and give up the older versions. We, however, have decided to permit you to select the exact version that your own sites require. Our semi-dedicated servers support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which suggests that you will be able to run both newer and older scripts without losing any manual modifications or wasting time attempting to make your websites compatible with the hosting platform. The version can be changed through the Hepsia Control Panel and such a change will affect the whole account, but you will also be able to select a different version for each single site that you host in your account by means of an .htaccess configuration file.