FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol – a pretty popular method of transmitting files between a computer and a web server. Using an FTP software program like FileZilla or CuteFTP, you can connect to the server and see its content in one pane, whereas the files on your computer will be shown in another pane within the program window. All it takes to send files or whole folders in either direction is to mark them and then to drag them from one pane to the other. FTP is preferred by lots of users because you can create different FTP accounts and each one can be limited to access just one single directory on the server, so a web designer, for instance, can carry out their task without being able to see any other directory in the website hosting account. Plus, the presence of different FTP accounts will also enable you to create multiple Internet sites with web design applications such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage and to upload them to their respective folders on the server.

FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting

Creating and managing multiple FTP accounts will be astonishingly easy with any of our shared hosting service. This feature isn’t limited, so with our easy-to-work-with Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to set up as many accounts as you need to, in order to manage your websites and to get your web-related tasks completed. If you hire a designer and they’re done with the site, for instance, you can update the FTP password or delete the entire FTP account with only one single click of the mouse through the Control Panel. For convenience’s sake, you’ll be able to check a list of all the accounts that you have created and what directories they can access. Useful options such as updating the password or the access path and downloading an auto-config file for commonly used FTP apps are also just a click away.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

You’ll be able to connect to your semi-dedicated server account via FTP irrespective of the semi-dedicated server package that you’ve picked during the registration process, as the FTP access is one of the standard features that you’ll be able to use. All our packages come with an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you will be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you wish from the Hepsia Control Panel with which you will be able to administer your website content too. All the FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and if you do not require a given account any longer, you can just remove it and stop individuals who have used it before from accessing it again. The latter functionality is especially handy if you use the services of a designer or in case an IT professional quits your firm and you do not want them to access the website files any longer. An elaborate Help repository that includes video tutorials will help you manage your FTP accounts if you have no past experience.